Connectivity Is Evolving: Are We Prepared?

Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Resources
From 852 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on March 30, 2022 12:38 pm
Metaverse, NFTs, Blockchain, Web3, AI, AR, and VR are trendy buzzwords. We must not forget that as connectivity evolves, so does our need for protection.


Written by lyceum
848 days ago

Rachel: Thanks for your feedback! I bet that we will come back to this issue in the near future! Take care!

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
849 days ago


I see great opportunities to support indie podcasters and other content creators, with the value for value mode, based on the podcasting 2.0 initiative. Right now there are about 5000+ podcasts connected with new podcast applications. The threats are for example the big reset, deep state, and other activities by the Big Brother.

Best Premises,


Written by centralpawebster
849 days ago

Hi Martin, those are excellent insights about podcasts and the unique security concerns they are currently facing. Thank you for your reply. - Rachel

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