How To Get Google Authorship for Your Blog in 5 Steps

Avatar Posted by gabuzee under Resources
From 4110 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on April 29, 2013 2:13 pm
Getting Google authorship for your blog is quite easy; as a matter of fact you can get it for your blog within 48 hours if you follow the 5 Steps that I will be sharing with you shortly.

By applying Google authorship to your blog, you will be telling Google that your own your blog posts and your contents and you will also get your Google+ Plus Profile picture displayed alongside your content when they show up in Google’s Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).


Written by lorinashbyron
4097 days ago

So valuable! Google Authorship will be increasingly more important to being found on the web.

Written by Hamayon1
4103 days ago

its also simple then 5 steps if someone is using blogger, they just have to connect g+ with blogger

Written by tiroberts
4106 days ago

I hear having Google authorship is good for building creditably and increasing traffic. While I'm not sure about the traffic increasing benefits, I can see the benefit of boosting your online creditably and reputation. Thanks for sharing your insights with us.


Written by Carol_Amato
4106 days ago

Glad to see it's only 5 steps. :) When I went through the steps, it took a while and was a bit confusing, but SO glad I hung in there and pushed through to complete it. It's puzzling to know why some of my rankings in the search engines display my pic, and some don't. Thanks for the article, very well done. - Carol

Written by tcamba
4107 days ago

Blogs with google authorship are definitely getting better ranking in the search.

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