Reaching Out with Google’s New Gmail Update

Avatar Posted by Carol_Amato under Resources
From 3836 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on January 27, 2014 11:37 pm
Google’s new Gmail update can be a boon to your online business by helping you reach people whom you haven’t even exchanged email addresses with. You and the recipient will still have privacy protection, but you can let them know you want to connect.


Written by tiroberts
3829 days ago

Great insights you gave here, Carol. Thanks for sharing.

Written by Carol_Amato
3829 days ago

Thanks for the kind words - much appreciated! Glad to help! :-)

Written by lyceum
3833 days ago

Carol: I want to engage with like-minded individuals, so I am all for a service that could connect us in an easier way! :) Thanks for explaining this feature!

Written by lyceum
3833 days ago

Couldn't this new email update lead to more spam messages?

Written by Carol_Amato
3833 days ago

There is such excellent filtering already built in, and then with the capability to set additional filters, that I say it's a non-issue, and benefits are great. It depends on your wants and needs with regards to engaging with like-minded folks. Thanks for your question! :) - Carol

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