One of the best assets in the toolkit of every serious entrepreneur, business owner, and freelancer (let alone of a consultant) is a good stack of valuable books. Some books are better than others, but every book has someone to offer you. Even an example of what a bad book is!


Written by lyceum
1833 days ago

Takis: I am reading Cal Newport’s latest book, Digital Minimalism. I am also reading Bored & Brilliant, and Lifescale.

Written by lyceum
1833 days ago

Takis: What are you reading at the moment? In the latest episode of our podcast, Presentation (Skills) in Plain English, my co-host and I, are giving our book tips for the hammock! ;)

Written by tathan
1833 days ago

Hi Lyceum. I have just finished reading the Deep Work by Cal Newport and I am starting reading the Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss. What kind of tips you have covered?

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