How Ecommerce Can Increase Your B2B Company’s Sales

How Ecommerce Can Increase Your B2B Company’s Sales  - Avatar Posted by Rieva Lesonsky under Sales
From 3640 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on July 17, 2014 12:45 pm
In the past, most B2B companies typically shied away from selling their products or services online because technology wasn’t up to par in dealing with the complexity of B2B sales. In addition, ecommerce solutions were often considered too costly. Today, of course, there are plenty of ecommerce solutions that can offer B2B companies the flexibility they need. What’s more, a recent study by Forrester found, adding ecommerce to your B2B sales channels typically leads to higher order value, lower cost per order to your company, greater profitability per order and ultimately higher sales for your business.


Written by lyceum
3631 days ago

Rieva: Could mention some companies that have been able to increase their business 2 business sales with an e-commerce solution?

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