How Words Build Profitable Connections

How Words Build Profitable Connections - Avatar Posted by brook under Sales
From 4189 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business News on January 19, 2013 8:41 pm
While your copy may not prove thesis worthy, your goal as a marketer is to get people to at least READ what you write. Here’s how to get started.


Written by tiroberts
4185 days ago

Hi Karen,

Fantastic video. I totally agree with you. Online marketing is all about having great copywriting skills and building authentic relationships with other bloggers and your audience. I'm a huge fan of personality marketing and writing how you speak. Every post on my blog is infused with my personality and I have created an engaging audience who vibes with me and my content rather quickly.

I know that I'm much more prone to listen to and do business with people who I like and trust and I want to have give my community that same feeling as well.

You create some great vids and content here. I really like you and I'm glad to have found you on Thanks for sharing!


Written by Sian Phillips
4187 days ago

I love this post - it's exactly what I'd say too. If you write how you speak it will come across as much more honest. If you sound like you've swallowed a dictionary it will be hard to read and won't flow. Thanks for sharing on

Written by bigmoneyweb
4189 days ago

Great post. Word-of-mouth marketing can be consciously created -and more importantly, profitable if you understand what drives it. Thanks for sharing.

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