Use Customer Testimonials to Sell More Online

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Sales
From 3040 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on June 4, 2016 5:07 pm
Everybody’s scared of something. It doesn’t matter how big or brave you may feel — there’s definitely a deeply-embedded, irrational anxiety in there. Statistically, one of those anxieties probably centers on public speaking.
According to researchers, a majority of people are actually more afraid of getting up in front of a room and delivering a short speech than they are of death. If you’re a business owner, that could turn into a bit of a problem. Staff, clients and customers will constantly be looking to you for insight and guidance, and so you’re inevitably going to find yourself addressing groups of people on a regular basis.


Written by lyceum
3038 days ago

How do you do with customer testimonials for a product that is not launched yet? I have created a crowdfunding campaign for my first forthcoming book on tea, and I will later on kick-off a tea hobby business with personalized tea blend and direct traded tea.

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