A GREAT lesson in bringing efficiency to Business from the most iconic waster of time and effort in history!

Business wisdom plus a mind-blowing VIDEO from engineering genius, Rube Goldberg...


Written by globalcopywrite
5041 days ago

It's nice to see you posting at BizSugar again, Yoni. I used to be a computer programmer, too. It took me 10 years to realise I really didn't like it much. I guess you're a lot smarter than me. :0)

Written by ShawnHessinger
5042 days ago

Great post, Yoni, with very appropriate video and graphics. It is, if I'm not mistaken, an article we were talking about using for a guest post but that never materialized so it's just as well it found a home here.

Written by yoni67
5042 days ago


Thank you! Your kind words and thoughts are heartening and inspiring! Thanks for reading and commenting...


Written by q4sales
5042 days ago

Yonatan, I appreciate how you hunt down great examples to illustrate your posts. In this one, I totally agree with your main point -- Am I (are we) making our business concepts too hard to understand, our product language too convoluted, etc. Thanks for the kick in the pants to SIMPLIFY.

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