It is commonly believed that procrastination is born out of laziness, but this is generally not the case. Some people feel that they work better under pressure, while others may be dreading the work they have to do so much that they spend hours avoiding it. Still more people procrastinate because...


Written by bigmoneyweb
4339 days ago

procrastination is genuinely a life-interfering behavior!.The cost of procrastination can literally be measured in lost health, years of life, and thousands of lost dollars.

I've been researching procrastination very carefully, recently. I've discovered that overcoming it is really a simple process of transferring motivation from the things we love to do and do often over to the things we don't like doing and avoid often. From a behavioural perspective it's all about positive reinforcing manageable approximation to high procrastination tasks.

Overcoming procrastination involves the same motivational processes that underlie the evidence-based treatment of clinical depression and autism. It's also the basis of effective performance management systems in the top organizations.

Thanks for sharing such a thought provoking article! Time to go and set up a chunked-down task list for the day!

Written by Sian Phillips
4339 days ago

I sometimes have a problem with procrastination and often because of the reasons you mentioned above. If I don't have my work day planned then I struggle to concentrate. I do use some of your tips though - tackling the most dreaded task first being the main one. Thanks for sharing on

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