Stop posting and running! Stop being part of an elite little clique! Get involved and be part of the community.

The Return on Investment will be speedy, incredible and well-worth your while!


Written by m4bmarketing
5173 days ago

Very simple indeed Yoni.

Written by yoni67
5173 days ago

Yes, Susan,

Very simple and a win-win situation for all!


Written by promodiva
5174 days ago

Well said, Yoni! I am fairly new to the community, but have really enjoyed reading the articles posted. I need to make more of an effort in chatting with the writers I am reading.

My Best,


Written by yoni67
5173 days ago


Thanks for your comment. I have already read and enjoyed quite a few or your posts here. I wish you much success on BizSugar and look forward to your future posts!


Written by 9devon9
5174 days ago

Yoni. I agree with Al. If you subtract the votes from your fans three people made an impression from this great article. For what? You put a lot of effort into trying to make this a good neigborhood. A few people really participate while most just want to place there article and get votes and leave. Let it go. Keep giving us your great writing and stop trying to bear the burden. Your fan Devon

Written by alinisrael
5174 days ago

Wow was friday Boycott Yoni Day? I guess I didn't get the memo. Congratulations on two great items. As far as this article goes I don't think most people want the advice. They want votes and nothing more. The article about the racist commercial was excellent too. I get to wondering some times why you support and prop up everybody here so much. Start looking out for yourself more.


Written by yoni67
5176 days ago


Members and moderators have posted similar advice in the past. Unfortunately these articles are read by active members and completely ignored by those who don't participate. It's a real Catch-22!

I love the Clara Peller idea!!!!


Written by businessavante
5176 days ago

Already in my short time on BizSugar I've noticed exactly what you're saying. The "Hit & Run" people aren't fooling anyone - it's right there in black & white: 26 postings, 26 votes, 0 comments. We need Clara Peller to shout: "Where's the Sugar"?!


Written by yoni67
5176 days ago


I've edited the post itself and added your comment! Thanks!


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