I have been blogging for over 2 years now and I am loving the success that I am having with blogging. I never imagined that I would have had this much success when I first started out online.

Blogging is a form of publishing articles so that other can read online. This means you have to do lots of writing so that others can have something to read.

Some new bloggers struggle to write blog posts and this is why they don’t normally participate in guest blogging. In order to become a great blogger then you have to practice writing. Write everyday until you are perfect.

I love to write blog posts or email newsletters, I am a very busy person and I don’t like to spend too much time writing. This is why I write my blog posts in 20 minutes (or more, depending on how much research or information I put into the article).

Here are some tips to write your blog posts in 20 minutes time.


Written by Sian Phillips
4490 days ago

Wow - you've certainly set me a target now. Including research my blogs normally take me at least 2 hours. But then I do check them about 10 times too. I'll get practising. Thanks for sharing on Bizsugar.com

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