Powerful Tips To Boost Your Performance As A Solopreneur

Avatar Posted by elenastr under Self-Development
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 3106 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on March 21, 2016 9:04 am
Being a one (wo)man band or solopreneur isn’t easy neither in music nor in business. Though I have never regretted the decision to become my own boss and start working as an independent consultant and content writer, there have been quite a few bumps on the way to establishing the efficient work routine I have today.

If you are working independently or running a small biz, it often seems you lack the time to tick off each thing on your endless to-do list.


Written by AngelBiz
3103 days ago

Thanks for the tips Elena. Learning to say no and scheduling vacations are very important in my mind. As a solopreneur here is always a temptation to do everything to make sure you are covering all the bases, but lack of focus can stretch you thin. Which brings up the second tip on taking vacation. You have to take a break to keep your sanity in the midst of all the chaos that you are likely to find as an entrepreneur.

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