Slow Down....

Slow Down....  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Self-Development
From 5196 days ago
Made Hot by: mssux on April 13, 2010 6:00 pm
Life today seems to move at a hectic pace, with many of us rushing from one activity to the next. But this type of life can only lead to stress and learning to slow down is vital


Written by yoni67
5196 days ago

Great article Catherine! My thoughts are that we can either heed advice like yours now or heed it from a doctor when things are really out of control. One of the things I LOVE about being a work-from-home freelancer is being able to dictate the pace and doing things on my own time and is a lifestyle I would recommend to all. Thanks for a great read!

Written by catherineconnors
5194 days ago

Thank you very much for the comment. Working as a freelancer does have those great perks and sometimes its easier to maintain a work/life balance but we should always be mindful of keeping the balance level. I'm glad you enjoyed the read.


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