Sometimes you have to bring a pineapple to build a bridge! How to get along with all kinds of agendas - even those that aren't your own.


Written by MoxieWorks
5503 days ago

Thanks Shawn - you are right there is a lot of backward or out dated thinking in a small town. I just know that working with seems to work better then against. I don't give in easily, but I don't need enemies - which can really derail a project. I use to beat my head against the wall "knowing I was right", but now I am trying a different approach - killing them with kindness and successes!

Written by ShawnHessinger
5505 days ago

Nothing against the pineapple. I love them personally. And I understand the symbolism. But, as a long time resident of small town America, I really have to say that sometimes small towns are their own worst enemies when it comes to small business development. There remain too many old boy's networks, too many sacred cows and too much that quite frankly must be disrupted, including old ways of thinking and doing things that are no longer effective. Too often, these communities, from the governing council to the chamber of commerce, are too busy defending an outmoded status quo to get the job done. The agenda for encouraging entrepreneurship must always be open to change, because new ideas will always lead to change. Any other agenda is a recipe for failure.

Written by tamiatvcconnex
5505 days ago

Continuing to develop & build your relationships is critical especially when your a small business yourself. Why not try a pineapple? What a inexpensive & remembering concept! I love it!

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