Top Golf Quotes For Business and Personal Success

Avatar Posted by modernbusiness under Self-Development
From 5630 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 1, 2009 9:41 pm
Over the years, people have been constantly drawing the comparisons between the game of golf, and the game of life. Golf is, to be certain, a unique sport with an almost mystical ability to raise the curtain on a person's integrity, decision making abilities, mental fortitude, honesty, and general personality. How a person acts, and reacts on a golf course can generally be extrapolated to give an overall impression of how that same person handles issues on the the bigger game, called life. Perhaps this is why so many business deals are stuck on the golf course. Playing golf with someone let's you learn a bit more about them, and what kind of person they would be to do business with. To illustrate this point, Grantland Rice once wrote, “Eighteen holes of match play will teach you more about your foe than nineteen years of dealing with him across the desk.”


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