Why Thinking Big Will Massively Improve Your Micro Businesses Success

Think big and plan to make the stuff happen that’s going to help you fulfil your dreams (you know, the ones you had when you started your business in the first place!) Or put another way, if anything was possible, what would you make happen?


Written by Paul Profitt
4162 days ago

Thinking big can be an asset to someone who has just started their own business, but if you tell too many people about your plans. Be prepared to get a few negative comments.

Written by spinlessplates
4162 days ago

Not everyone is going to be with you for the journey Paul, their problem not yours!

Written by jeffmachado
4162 days ago

I'm looking forward to implementing what you wrote about in this post. It can be scary doing the whole mind-shift thing but it's awesome seeing what's possible.

Written by spinlessplates
4162 days ago

Think massive Jeff

Written by lyceum
4163 days ago

Paul: Thanks for the tip regarding creating a vision board. So, is Donald Trump always thinking big? ;)

Written by spinlessplates
4163 days ago

I would say so. He tends not to do anything small. Although 'the magic of thinking big' was published back in the 1950s and is an excellent read :-)

Written by tcamba
4164 days ago

Oh my gawd. This post made me bang my head in the wall. I feel so ashamed of myself. I already have a start up, the only problem is, I seem can't move forward with it. I feel so helpless. I'm going to restart my plan this 2013.

Written by spinlessplates
4163 days ago

Can I suggest you give Michael Gerbers 'the e-myth' a good read. It is excellent and gives great reason why small businesses fail. Also suggest a power hour in the morning where you focus on marketing you business before you start doing anything else. At least this way you know you have got an hour of marketing in before anything else happens. Here is a link to my blog post on power hours - http://www.spinlessplates.com/how-to-increase-productivity-in-your-small-business-in-one-hour-a-day

Written by lyceum
4163 days ago

Teepu: You will move forward. Is it your t-shirt business this time around?

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