Does multitasking degrades skills? Are people with degraded skills are drawn to multitasking? Or is it a classic predisposition-plus-opportunity thing?
Who are the best multitaskers? (The answer will surprise you!)
Posted by d2kd3k under Self-DevelopmentFrom 5550 days ago
5550 days ago
Reading this article made me think of something else. Most skilled international sales professionals need to process multiple sets of information at the same time during a cross-cultural sales encounter. This can be pretty intense. It's not always gathering different information to put through one decision process. But it can also be carrying out several decision processes at one time with different sources of information. All that goes on mentally. Although you may be doing one thing to support two outcomes, there is no multiTASKING in what you actually do. Anyway, this came to mind, because it involves a heightened sense of participation in "the moment" and multitasking here is NOT a good idea at all.