Ever wonder why Chinese kids are so good at math? DNA? Are they born smart or is it just practice? We moved to China in 2009 and were warned about how tough the schooling would be. Chinese parents, anxious to help, dropped a few hints. At farewell dinners the conversation would eventually turn to education: how hard the Chinese kids worked and/or how easy it was for western kids. I knew they were clever; what I didn’t grasp was the level of effort involved.
Why Chinese Kids Are Smart But Not Creative
Posted by ivanwalsh under Self-DevelopmentFrom http://www.ivanwalsh.com 5122 days ago
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5122 days ago
As a student of Geo-Politics I also wonder if a lot of it is held over from Communism. Having studied Russia, China, and Cuba, it becomes clear that these countries that rubber-stamped programs and ideas so often did not allow for much creativity. They were systems where thinking outside of the box was not encouraged. People were encouraged to go the way of the Party and the Party was most often made up of old men who didn't like change.
Rochele Rochelle
5122 days ago
5122 days ago