Zig Ziglar (1926-2012) Motivational Quotes

Zig Ziglar (1926-2012) Motivational Quotes  - http://self-help.thehappyguy.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Self-Development
From http://self-help.thehappyguy.com 4231 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on December 1, 2012 11:40 am
Zig Ziglar was perhaps the most effective motivational speaker of all time. I recall a decade ago seeing him live. He described his early days as a salesman: "I was not an overwhelming success. I was not even a whelming success. But I did sell a few things. I sold my car, I sold my TV." Here are a few more things that he said...


Written by tcamba
4229 days ago

He has truly left a legacy. His life lessons apply to everyone, not only to businessmen.

Written by tiroberts
4231 days ago

Great list of quotes here. It's sad to see such an awesome person go but I'm glad he's left such an powerful legacy behind. Thanks for sharing this post with BizSugar.


Written by amabaie
4230 days ago

Very few of us have the chance to leave behind this kind of legacy. It is indeed a gift.

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