10 Ways To Create A Bad Blog

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Social Media
From http://www.corpnet.com 4351 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on October 3, 2012 5:17 pm
Based on posts I have come across in my blog travels here are some tips to ensure you write bad posts that no-one will want to share and they definitely won’t come back to read your posts again.


Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4345 days ago

So witty, and I love it; thanks Sián!!!

Very entertaining AND great series of absolutely critical points.

And, you know, making something entertaining increases the learning of your readers, so well done; we learn better when we are having fun ;-)

Written by vaibhavm1
4346 days ago

Awesome post. One of the things that really bother me are those annoying auto-play videos.

Written by lyceum
4350 days ago

Sian: Great guide with 10 tips on how to create a good blog! ;) I have been struggling now and then with infrequent publishing during my 10+ years as a blogger. Do you have tips on how to create a blogging schedule?

Written by Sian Phillips
4350 days ago

I have to admit that I don't because I struggle with it too on my personal blog. But then I can write weekly and monthly for other sites. Ileane had a great post on her blog about a blogging schedule - and generated a long discussion. It differs with your niche market as well I believe. But leaving it for weeks is not good....as I head off to my blog :)

Written by tiroberts
4351 days ago

Fantastic tips you've shared here. I agree with the sales pitch tip. I've learned that it's not about pushing your product/service on your readers, it's about truly providing value and being yourself. The sales will come naturally.

Thanks for sharing.


Written by Sian Phillips
4351 days ago

Thanks Ti, I'm glad you liked it.

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