14 Ways to Drive More Website Traffic With Pinterest

Avatar Posted by JoshAK under Social Media
From http://www.business2community.com 3942 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on October 13, 2013 9:22 pm
Studies suggest Pinterest drives more website traffic than Reddit, Youtube, Linkedin, Google+ and MySpace. Now the network has over 70 million users and it continues to grow.


Written by lyceum
3938 days ago

Josh: Thanks for sharing your knowledge in this field. Please keep me posted! :)

Written by agriyanews
3939 days ago

Wow amazing. I have tried every one except this taller image. I just post my image on 400 x 300. Now i got the measurements Thanks for sharing this into Bizsugar community :)

Written by lyceum
3939 days ago

Josh: You have made a strong case for a future service with a mix of Pinterest and RebelMouse. I wonder when RebelMouse will have a search feature. I use Pinterest as a bookmarking place, remembering and saving stuff for future use.

Written by JoshAK
3939 days ago

Or Pinterest might already be heading in that direction http://www.marketingpilgrim.com/2013/09/dont-just-look-at-the-pictures-pinterest-invites-you-to-read-this.html

Written by JoshAK
3939 days ago

It might be more likely to see something like this come from Feedly. They already have the ability to save articles and tag them in different ways as well as visual ways of displaying the content. If they added ways to share and follow others tags/bookmarks it'd pretty much be a pinterest for content. Who knows who will get there first though.

Written by lyceum
3939 days ago

Josh: I think you are onto something there with a combo of text and images. Have you checked out a service called RebelMouse?

Written by JoshAK
3939 days ago

I was just looking at it the other day but haven't tried it yet. It definitely seems to be moving in the right direction. I think what is so good about Pinterest though is that it is an organizational tool which people can and do use it to save resources that they come back to. This is why it drives way more traffic then twitter or Facebook, in general you post a status on there and it's lost in the stream, where pins seem to get recurring traffic for a long long time. I'd like to see a cross between rebelmouse and pinterest.

Written by lyceum
3939 days ago

Josh: Very impressive traffic stats! Do you think that Pinterest will continue to be so popular in say 5 years from now?

Written by JoshAK
3939 days ago

It's hard to say, I do see a trend toward visually stimulating media, instead of textual content in terms of sharing. I see this a lot with things like instagram and vine seeming to take off out the blue. I think text will always be important though. Perhaps the next big thing will be an easy way to combine text and images in a meaningful way.

Written by bigmoneyweb
3941 days ago

Pinterest is really a very good place to be as far as traffic is concern. It is becoming one of the fastest growing social networking and photo sharing sites on the internet and as thus, many people are using it to drive enormous traffic to their sites. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by JoshAK
3941 days ago

I absolutely agree. I find that it's popularity is growing so fast many sites get more traffic from Pinterest then other networks even when they have no intentional presence there.

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