22 Terrific Tips On How To Get More Twitter Followers

Avatar Posted by VirtuosiMedia under Social Media
From http://www.virtuosimedia.com 5330 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on December 26, 2009 3:40 am
Are you looking to get more targeted Twitter followers? We'll teach you Twitter list-building methods that are both efficient and effective.


Written by ShawnHessinger
5327 days ago

All interesting points but in the end I think it also has to do with what you are attempting to accomplish. Number one for example is obviously good advice as an alternative to endless tweeting about a single offer or service you provide. However, if you've got a tool or helpful site, I think you might easily spend more than 5 to 10 percent of your Tweets explaining features without anyone feeling it is relentless promotion.

Written by FortuneMarketing
5327 days ago

Hi - This is a good article, thanks for posting it. One thing I like to do is follow interesting small businesses - especially local ones. I follow them, retweet their quality posts and tell others about them. I'm a big supporter of local small business and this is a great way to gain visibility and help them out at the same time!

Another thing I like to do is post positive feedback about companies I do business with. It's just so easy to complain about bad experiences, that I want to make sure when I have a great experience I let people to know about it. I recently did this with Vertical Response, my email provider and they ended up blogging about me - so I got some good exposure by just doing the right thing!

Thanks again!

Carolyn Higgins


Written by WayneLiew
5330 days ago

Nice article. One thing I would like to highlight is that the tool, Social Oomph, mentioned in the article can be replaced by manual work. If you don't want to pay the fees for the automation, you can always use Tweetdeck, Twitter Search, Friend or Follow, CoTweet, etc. to do your followers vetting and looking for prospects to follow.

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