3 1/2 Awesome Ways to Rock Your New Twitter Header Photo

Avatar Posted by ExcellentPrez under Social Media
From http://blog.excellentpresence.com 4327 days ago
Made Hot by: dEvangelize on September 21, 2012 12:40 am
How the new Twitter header photo is an awesome opportunity for further branding & website traffic generation. (Get Twitter header photo dimensions, too. ;))


Written by ExcellentPrez
4327 days ago

@Heather, honestly I'm thinking the same thing as well. Only time will tell, but I haven't heard anything contrary to our current "freedom," so let's keep thinking positively. ;)

@Sian, I'm so glad I could help -- awesome. It's what I'm here for.

** ADDENDUM: I'll also add that I've seen a number of users size their header photos directly at 520x260 with no ill effects. I imagine Twitter is recommending the larger size mentioned in the article for the larger screens of today's gargantuan devices, and I see no reason not to follow the sizing tip direct from the source. Just wanted to throw that out there in case you decide to experiment, for instance if the larger size of your particular header photo design doesn't look good on common devices (tablet/iPad, smartphone, 'puter).

Thank you both for your comments. I'm happy to be on BizSugar. The only "bad" thing about it is it makes me want to feed my sweet tooth IMMEDIATELY as soon as I come here, post here, think about the site... as if I need any encouragement, ~LOL.

Written by HeatherStone
4327 days ago


Thanks for the additional points. I think everyone is trying to get acquainted with the new features and figure out how to best modify them for small business use.

Written by HeatherStone
4327 days ago

So, Harmony. I guess the real question is how long until Twitter eventually cracks down on this unprecedented freedom because either they want to limit how the new feature is being used or because someone engages in bad behavior and misuses the freedom ruining things for the rest of the class. Your thoughts?

Written by Sian Phillips
4327 days ago

I was wondering about the new header picture on Twitter and you've provided all the information I need - perfect. Thanks for sharing on Bizsugar.com

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