Some say there is no such thing as bad publicity. As a marketer, I have to disagree, especially if you’re Representative Weiner and living up to your last name by acting like one. Overnight, Rep. Weiner has become a joke. Here are four ways you can avoid marketing your small business like a Weiner.


Written by yoni67
4791 days ago

Best headline I've seen: "Exposed Weiner Remains Erect and Stiffly Defiant." (one of the tabloids). Don't blame me, I didn't write it :)


Written by FortuneMarketing
4789 days ago

Yoni - love that! Great title..thanks for sharing it!

Written by businessavante
4791 days ago

Hi Carolyn.

I'll bet ol' Weenie was thinking "business lesson" when he tweeted!


Written by FortuneMarketing
4789 days ago

Duncan,LOL, you think so?? :-o) - Carolyn

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