Do you have an irritating blog? Tough question to start off with but it’s also a very important question. I read a lot of blogs, and there are some very good writers out there, but most of what I come across irritates me; might as well tell the truth. If it irritates me enough I write about it on my blog; it’s actually something that gives me a lot of inspiration.


Written by businessavante
4720 days ago

Wonderful Ileane!

A very entertaining rant from guest Mitch Mitchell - the former drummer* for the Jimi Hendrix Experience??

I agree - especially about pop-ups & logging on to leave comments - big no-nos!

*Mitch Mitchell was one of the best drummers of the late '60's. I detected a strong Elvin Jones (with John Coltrane) influence. He was the Perfect guy to work with Jimi - he could play rock, but also go nuts (which no other rock drummer ever did then).


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