I can’Hootsuite featurest believe it’s been four years since the last time I guest posted here on Inspire to Thrive. It was April, 2013 when I shared the three reasons why I love Hootsuite Pro. I was in my third year of blogging – and I love it now just as much as I did then!

Back then I was busy juggling being a mom and striving to turn my blog into a full time business. Using Hootsuite Pro saved me a lot of time. And it kept my blog and brand floating around the socialverse while I was away from my computer. If you have kids, you know how time consuming tending to mom moments can be.


Written by lyceum
2616 days ago

Ileane: Thanks for your answer! ;)

Written by Ileane
2616 days ago

Oh - I just thought of another thing I love about HootSuite. We can see what tool people are using to share their content - I've discovered a lot of new tools that way. I wish Twitter would show us this info!

Written by Inspiretothrive
2616 days ago

That is cool Ileane :) I do love Twitter analytics though...

Written by Ileane
2616 days ago

Yes, and yes. But I never needed to use Tweetdeck because I already had HootSuite.

Written by lyceum
2616 days ago

Is Tweetdeck still around? It is owned by Twitter, right?

Written by Ileane
2616 days ago

Hootsuite is my Twitter monitoring tool of choice. I started using it from day one and I was a HootSuite Ambassador in 2015!

Written by Inspiretothrive
2616 days ago

Tweetdeck is still around Lyceum and it has some newer features too. I prefer the Buffer but Hootsuite is great, it really depends on which tools you get used to using.

Written by lyceum
2616 days ago

Congrats to being an ambassador for Hootsuite!

Written by lyceum
2616 days ago

I have to check out Hootsuite again. I used it on a regular basis in the past. I like the Wordpress.org feature.

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