The social media world is constantly evolving and no matter how many times we say it, it doesn’t stop amazing us. Something popular could become outdated in just a few months and something old school can suddenly start trending – such is the social media world. And the same holds true when comes to the social media buzzwords in the marketing industry.

The best way to keep yourself up-to-date with such buzzwords is to listen to what people are talking about. But doing so in between all the revamping of marketing strategies, is kind of impossible.

So after eavesdropping on several social conversations and reading about the various social media trends, we listed the top 7 social media buzzwords that you must know for 2016.


Written by lyceum
3029 days ago

Vanhishikha:;) How about a Blab chat sometime in the future? We could ask Ileane Smith if she wants to join it.

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
3029 days ago

Vanhishikha: Should we start social media buzzwords bingo? ;) I didn't know about H2H marketing.

Written by VanhishikhaBhargava
3029 days ago

haha we totally should! Such new trends and new jargon coming into the digital industry everyday.

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