On June 15th, MarketingProfs hosted a webcast, titled “8 Stages of Listening: How to Monitor, Analyze and Participate in Customer Conversations using Social Media”, featuring Jeremiah Owyang from the Altimeter Group. This one hour webcast was jam packed with information and to help make it easier to digest it was broken down into three main topics: 8 Stages of Listening, Developing a Listening Program and Identifying Specific Business Objectives. Below are a recap and the social media lessons learned from Jeremiah Owyang.

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Written by B2CMKTG
5149 days ago

Hi Yoni,

Thanks for the feedback. I know what you mean - I had to listen to the webcast twice just to have the information sink in before even tackling the article.


Written by yoni67
5149 days ago

Good article but pretty complicated. My head is spinning.


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