Annual Blog Report VIII

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 5192 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on May 10, 2010 4:17 am
I had planned to publish my annual blog report VIII on my 8th blogiversary on May 7, but it got stuck in the pipeline! ;) After eight years of blogging, I thought I could celebrate, so I went to 3 Små Rum (3 small rooms in Swedish) pub and had one bottle of Three Philosophers beer.


Written by lyceum
5191 days ago

Yonatan & Susan: I have started a meme with the following tweet:

When is your blog birthday? Add your date @bizsugar & I will mark it in my calendar.

Written by m4bmarketing
5191 days ago

Hi Martin,

Thanks Martin. Re dates I will have to check as I can't remember the actual dates. Regarding the sav blancs, for anytime drinking Oyster bay is usually good.

Written by m4bmarketing
5191 days ago

Congrats Martin. The report is interesting and you should be very proud of your achievements.

I am not really into beer so I will raise a glass of New Zealand Sav Blanc to celebrate your 8 years.

Written by lyceum
5191 days ago

Susan: Thank you very much! :)

I like wine too! Do you have a favorite Sauvignon Blanc from NZ?

Written by yoni67
5192 days ago

Martin, CONGRATULATIONS on your 8th Blogiversary! I would raise a 3 Philosopher's Beer in toast to you but all I have in my fridge is a Guinness. In any case, I've opened it, am raising it, and before taking a sip I offer you a hearty "Cheers!" Your annual report is wonderful and your philosophy rank of 17 on "Invesp" is awesome!

I hope to read your 9th Blogiversary report 365 days from now at which time we will drink to another toast!

Best wishes for continued happiness and success!


Written by lyceum
5192 days ago

Yonatan: Thank you very much! :) I like Guinness too. It is like a combo of beer & bread at the same time! ;) We have to have a meetup sometime...


All the Best,


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