Twitter and Facebook are the darlings of the media for the time being, and it seems no one gives a rip about blogs anymore. That hot topic of yesteryear is now a fad of the past, much like Chia pets and Snuggies. Wait, you haven't heard of a Snuggie? Be really disappointed you missed out on that one. Where was I? Oh yes, blogs. They're over. Done. Kaput. They are so 4 years ago—But wait—actually, they're not.

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Written by ethan
5396 days ago

I have to agree with your conclusions.

I definitely see blogs and online content publication websites being the foundation of the "web 2.0" or "social media" internet. When all of the dust settles from Twitter, FB, etc. blogs will still be standing and just as trendy as they were from day one.

Written by lyceum
5396 days ago

Great punchline:

"Because someone has to continue creating original content and ideas. What are all these tweets supposed to link to?"

Written by ShawnHessinger
5397 days ago

I don't really think blogs are done. In fact, at their basic core they remain part of the major concept of Web 2.0...including new social media. And, of course, many blogs provide the very content much social media feeds upon.

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