Attract and Influence Readers with Case Studies

Avatar Posted by Carol_Amato under Social Media
From 3442 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on February 24, 2015 2:58 pm
If you’ve ever been confused about what a case study is or wondered if you could ever produce one, then stay tuned because I’ve got good news for you. Case studies can attract and influence Internet readers (or buyers) by offering valuable and powerful content about a particular subject, challenge or problem.

Small business surveys report that the case study marketing tactic is one of the highest rated content influences for small or large Internet businesses – and I’m not surprised because who wouldn’t prefer results over theory?


Written by lyceum
3440 days ago

Carol: Winston Churchill saw ideas in actions. That's why he could understand the danger of both national-socialism and communism.

I will mention the post, 55 Interesting Social Media Infographics, on the next Social Media Club meeting in Gothenburg.

Best Premises,


Written by lyceum
3440 days ago

Carol: It would be interesting to read a case study about case studies! ;) Could you point to some case studies on the benefits of using social media activities in your small business?

I am fan of Winston Churchill, so it is great to read:

"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. – Winston Churchill"

Written by Carol_Amato
3440 days ago

Hi, Martin,

I'm so glad you liked that quote - me too, love Winston Churchill.

Here ya go, there are lots to choose from here:

Hope to help. Have a blessed day.


Written by adrian1015
3442 days ago

Hey Carol

This case studies is very interesting when I first look at it. Love to learn about traffic more

Thanks and look forward to it.

- Adrian

Written by Carol_Amato
3442 days ago

Hi, Adrian,

I appreciate you telling me about what you would like to learn in one of my case studies. Traffic generation is a popular topic, and I envision creating case study revolving around this subject in one way or another.

Thanks for the comment and request. Have a great day.


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