It's great that people whom you don't know personally want to connect with you on LinkedIn. We all know how valuable business networking can be. But really, you SHOULD scrutinize requests before you accept them willy-nilly.


Written by MasterIM
4069 days ago

most of the times you get spam, thanks for sharing

Written by estherschindler
4069 days ago

Well I wouldn't say MOST. I'm connected to about 1400 people, and I know probably 800 of them in person (even if fleetingly so, such as "sat next to each other during lunch at a conference). Another 200 by reputation (the biz equivalent of "friend of a friend," where we clearly have something in common, such as a PR person in the field I cover). The rest are people who are sort-of-interesting, such as someone who is in the same LI group I am; for instance, I posted a long message in a group for freelance writers and suddenly a lot of writers want to connect with me. Even if not all of them are people I'd go out of my way to have coffee with.

The spam would-be connections are few and far between!

Written by bigmoneyweb
4069 days ago

I agree with this advice Esther. These days, I've been getting so many connection requests from linkedin from people i don't know at all and I'm always very careful when accepting any of them. Thanks for sharing this with the community.


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