Building Small Business With Twitter

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From 5144 days ago
Made Hot by: SmallBusinessLoans on June 30, 2010 4:01 pm
Are you one of those small business owners who just can't see the value in Twitter? Does the idea of conversing with potential business partners, clients and customers by sharing informative content and retweeting the comments of others seem like a waste of valuable time? Hey, if you really want to understand the Twitterverse and how it can transform your business, read on...


Written by ajayjoya
5141 days ago

twitter is really best, easy to use and more powerful tool.

Written by kurbain
5142 days ago

Good Post. I never thought to subtract my twitter handle plus RT@ and then write my posts in relation to the 140-that number! I always just liked to keep it under 120 characters. I guess it depends on the message, if you want to leave space for the Retweeter to comment, then you should leave a little bit more space. I typically like to comment about my retweets! Thanks for the good read!

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