Social media marketing is a hot topic in business news these days, and we’ll continue to add to the conversation here. In this post we’re going to dive more deeply into social media marketing with an encore video from Ramon DeLeon, “The pizza guy to know in downtown Chicago”.

After a few quick tips by Kamau Jackson, Ramon gives a step-by step master's class on how to apply social media to your business. This is sure to be helpful to any business owner or entrepreneur who's considering, or currently using social media in a profitable, intelligent way.


Written by yoni67
5181 days ago


I'm really pleased to see this amazing article on the "Hot Topics" page! As a first submission to Biz Sugar, it is a major, major accomplishment to get to "HT." It is rarely done. I think that speaks volomes about the story which you have presented to us. The 2 parts, your commentary and the vidoes made for an oustanding presentation and the story of Ramon is one to be cherished!

Looking forward to reading many posts from you in the future,


Written by darkman
5180 days ago

Thanks, Yoni, for the gracious words. I'm convinced that the way we can all make valid contributions to each other is by raising the bar on ourselves. All these comments have inspired me-- and also "put my feet to the fire"-- so I'll back with another very soon. Another thing I'd like to accomplish is to assist in our being able to learn & communicate across cultures. I think we'll all benefit as a result. Again... thanks to everyone for the votes and comments. And of course, Thanks to Ramon DeLeon &

Written by haroldleerush
5181 days ago

Kamau, these were very informative articles and easy to understand, especially for someone like myself, who doesn't know a lot of industry jargon. You helped me to see the bigger picture and how I can fit into it profitably. Thank you and keep the info coming!

Written by lovedthisarticle!
5181 days ago

Viva Ramon! 1) Pizza Delivery 2) Owner 3) CEO? Thanks for this lovely post!

Written by 9devon9
5181 days ago

Kamua, Incredible! You inspired the hell out of me!!!! I couldn't upload your vid, but I checked out Ramon;s videos on Youtube and got the story! Thanks for the story!!!!!

Written by alinisrael
5181 days ago

Thanks for this excellent post Kamua and thanks for including the link to pt.1. This is really a fantastic story which I am glad not to have missed.



Written by saraib820
5181 days ago

Kamua, exceptional, amazing, extraordinary post! Both parts!

Written by yoni67
5181 days ago

Kamua (darkman), I consider it an honor and privilege to have watched this INCREDIBLE video, to have read both posts and to have learned the incredible story of Ramon! The viral apology video, his story from delivery to ownership and the lessons he imparts are amazing! Thank you so much for posting this article and I hope to see many more of your posts here in the future!!!!

Written by darkman
5181 days ago

Thanks for the positive comments... You guys have inspired ME!

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