Don’t Be the Jerk at the Party! ... A Lesson in Social Media Etiquette

Avatar Posted by mobo under Social Media
From 3851 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on February 18, 2014 2:31 pm
I’ve been in business 27 years, and I’ve made just about every business mistake that an entrepreneur should be allowed to make. Maybe more!

Then along comes social media with all of its opportunities to make even more mistakes. Of course, I’ve made more than my share of mistakes there too, but there’s one lesson that my younger co-workers taught me early on. The Big Lesson.


Written by kingofcontent92
3846 days ago

Such manners should be adopted on social networks. Many people have already lost the manners to use on social media.

Written by ebele
3847 days ago

Well, I'm glad you learnt what you felt was a lesson to learn and that you're enjoying the different angle you decided to take. Sounds like a more productive experience in which all parties concerned get to connect whether a sale comes from that somewhere down the line or not.

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