Ello – the non-consumerist social media revolution

Avatar Posted by massplanner under Social Media
From http://www.massplanner.com 3585 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on October 8, 2014 10:45 am
Read all you need to know about Ello and make a decision if you want to be an early bird to join or not. Also get an invite code if interested.


Written by lyceum
3574 days ago

Johnny: Thanks for your reply. How are things and business in Romania? See you @ ello! :)

Written by ebele
3577 days ago

Thanks for the post, massplanner. I've been hearing about Ello of recent. Good to read a comprehensive write-up on it.

Written by massplanner
3574 days ago

thanks, glad you liked it :)

Written by lyceum
3578 days ago

Johnny Plan: Thanks for adding me as a friend! :) Where are you located?

Written by massplanner
3574 days ago

:) No problem. Romania.

Written by lyceum
3578 days ago

Johnny Plan: Let the market decide if a social network could work without (intrusive) ads. I am all for it, if you find alternative ways of making money.

Written by lyceum
3579 days ago

Johnny Plan: Gary V. is good at talking! ;) He says it is early to tell how it will develop, but I like his angle on how we are accepting ads...

Written by massplanner
3578 days ago

yes, that might be true for most people and up to a point, though a person does a lot of stuff online daily i don't think one single place without adds will be so bad :)

Written by lyceum
3579 days ago

Johnny Plan: Thanks for adding me as a friend on Ello. Have you seen that the two categories are: friend or noise? ;)

Written by massplanner
3578 days ago

Yes, that's the first thing i noticed and it's really a nice separation between the two :) btw, realy added you to friends not noise ;)

Written by lyceum
3579 days ago

Shawn: You are welcome! I look forward to hear your comment on Gary Vaynerchuk's first impression on Ello.

Written by massplanner
3579 days ago

ok, just watched it, it took up a lot of space and only talked about Ello for a little while :)though his main point is sound, how are they going to sustain themselves. They will have to have a source of income in order to pay for the servers and everything...we shall see how they do it. Saw they have a donate button to support new features, though not sure how many people will do that just yet.

Written by lyceum
3579 days ago

Shawn: Thanks for sharing your perspective. I almost could a flashback from the good 'ol days of Friendster and other early social networks! ;) Time will tell. I recommend you to watch Gary Vaynerchuk's video reply on Ello.

You could find my profile: https://ello.co/lyceum

Nora Young of Spark podcast, interviewed the owner of Ello.com in the latest episode... ;)

Written by massplanner
3579 days ago

added you as a friend on ello, i'm https://ello.co/massplanner not very active on ello yet :)

Thanks on the heads up about Gary, will check it out.

Written by ShawnHessinger
3579 days ago

Thanks, Martin. I'll have a look.

Written by lyceum
3579 days ago

Did you watch Gary Vaynerchuk's take on Ello on his video show #AskGaryVee?

Written by massplanner
3581 days ago

At this point I don't think it can use it very well because you don't have groups, you don't have pages, all you have is a basic wall like in facebook. So the bet would be to create an account and start adding other people as followers so they add back, in time the account will grow and what you share will be shown to others too, though this will be worth it only if as you said Ello will be around for a long time.

Written by ShawnHessinger
3579 days ago

Hi Johnny,

I'd agree with your take here. I think for those who don't have a great distinction between business and personal brand the platform would be ideal. On the subject of surviving, remember that LinkedIn survived just fine with the income from selling enhanced features and did so for years before adding advertising.

Written by lyceum
3581 days ago

Johnny Plan: Thanks for your input. We will wait and see... ;)

Written by lyceum
3583 days ago

It will be interesting to see if Ello will be around for a long time. Thanks for going through this new network. How do you think a small business owner could use this site?

Written by ShawnHessinger
3579 days ago

Hi Martin,

I'm also thinking this is going to depend pretty heavily on the same of business you have. For example, as we see, artists have a big presence on the site. It stands to reason then that an artist could certainly build their personal and professional brand simply by connecting to others on the site. On the other hand, other businesses would, I suspect,, find the site a bit less useful.

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