The recent algorithm changes on Empire Avenue upset a some of the hard core long term players and a few people left the game; others have been singled out and victimized, blamed perhaps for the changes. This is not good and it's NOT what social media is all about, but I'm hanging in there because a lot of good people have remained and Empire Avenue is still one of the best platforms for social media networking. Check it out...


Written by HotBlogTips
4640 days ago

It's just a coincidence, I guess, but I just singed up for Empire Avenue today after signing up for I noticed the Empire Avenue topic/interest kept showing up so I decided to check it out. Two hours after setting up my profile my email was hammered with silly updates. I probably should have taken more time to understand what the site does but I just didn't get the point. I deleted my profile rather than try to find a way of regulating the email load. The entire premise of investing in one's fake account with fake money eludes me.

Written by marketingm8
4638 days ago

Hello, the 'game' is fun if it's not taken too seriously and (to me) the point is networking with like minded social media type people. Like being here I guess but with a game involved. I get Empire Avenue updates but I just delete them, it's the price I pay for having fun and it's probably possible to stop them I've just never bothered.

To me, it's just fun!

Thanks for your comments!

All the best Peter, aka MarketingM8

Written by SEORabbit
4645 days ago


Some people took Empire Avenue too seriously, and became angry. It's ridiculous, IMHO.

Written by marketingm8
4638 days ago

Hi and thanks for responding and I agree 100%.

It's fun and I like it still!

All the best, Peter aka MarketingM8

Written by ivanwalsh
4649 days ago

Empire Avenue is one of the sleeping giants of social media. Definitely worth looking at especially for networking.

Written by marketingm8
4638 days ago

Hello Ivan, I agree especially in light of Klout's recent fall from grace!

Empire Avenue is a great show case for people's social media connectivity!

All the best Peter, aka MarketingM8

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