Facebook Timeline –  Have you heard about this and the new features added to Facebook. Most of us might have already heard about these. Google+ has changed the equations for them and Facebook is also working hard to keep the pace. Facebook Timeline


Written by ivanwalsh
4659 days ago

Thanks Sanjeev,

The videos are excellent - great work :)


Written by lyceum
4659 days ago

Ileane: I have heard about Facebook Timeline, but I haven't installed it yet. Thanks for the step-by-step guide. When will they roll it out for the public?

Written by HeatherStone
4660 days ago

Another interesting post about the MANY changes going on over at Facebook. This is a must-read for any small businesses that do marketing over there. And speaking of Facebook, I just linked to this post over at our BizSugar FB page. Share it with your network, won't you?

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