Have you ever gone on somewhere such as Instagram, saw that someone has thousands of followers, but they hardly have any content. On top of that, their content barely has any engagement? From individuals, wannabe influencers, and businesses, it’s surprisingly common. So, how do all these fake followers on Instagram or other social media sites come to be?

Chances are, they were either bought, or someone randomly targeted that account (which happens too). While the idea of having thousands of followers sounds cool, what’s the point if it’s all fake? You spend a lot of time on social media content creation that you want to be sure that it reaches the right people.

Here are five ways that you’re probably being fooled by these bots on social media channels and missing your target audience.


Written by lyceum
717 days ago

Lisa: I hear you! ;)

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
719 days ago

Lisa: Have you been fooled by fake followers?

All the Best,


Written by Inspiretothrive
718 days ago

From time to time, yes Martin I have. Not as much anymore. You get wiser as you get older and more experienced :)

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