Blogging is definitely not easy, and that’s something that even Hitler finds out about in this video I put together.


Written by yoni67
4758 days ago

Citizen Soldier,

Yeah, I get it now. But thanks, since I'm such a fuc$ing moron, I'm glad I have such a wise person as you spelling it out. I get it: BizSugar, blogging, Adolf Hitler. Gas-chambers. Mengele's experiments on twins. Executions. Relatives I should have if they hadn't been murdered and baked in ovens. Hah! Now I get it! Hilarious.


Written by CitizenSoldier
4749 days ago

Didn't you ragequit awhile ago?

Written by yoni67
4758 days ago

And one more comment Citizen Soldier, since trying to convince me is still an objective of yours. Here is a video I prefer, I realize it's not as creative or funny as Tristan's. But maybe it will explain why I immigrated to Israel and why I have spilled my own blood serving and protecting her. And also why I take such offense at the SHIT that Tristan posted:

Written by yoni67
4758 days ago

And Citizen Soldier: here's my take on Hitler and the Nazis. Give it a peruse if you want!

Written by yoni67
4758 days ago

And Citizen Soldier:

Since you are still pursuing this topic, how about a little hint. It makes you look very weak that you express your opinions hiding behind a mask of anonymity. Put a link to your website or your name. The internet is a wide open space where anyone can say what they want. Being open about who you are is being a man. Hiding in the shadows is cowardly!

Written by yoni67
4758 days ago

Admin: sorry about my language. It is tame compared to the things I wish I had written!

Written by yoni67
4764 days ago

Still looking/hoping for a decent response to this as are, I presume, a lot of the commentors below are, many of whom were active members of this site.

All it needs to be, just my suggestions, is a follow-up post from BizSugar, a re-writing of submission guideline...or you tell me.

If that is too much, here are some suggestions, any of which can be cut and pasted into a follow-up comment:

1) It was a stupid thing to post and in retrospect probably shouldn't have been included.

2) The submission guidelines will be revamped to ensure that blatantly hurtful and offensive content does not appear in the future.

3) In retrospect and with hinsight as 20/20 we have decided that there was a compelling business-related reason for this post to appear.

4) Freedom of speech reigns supreme here, and as a result, in the future, anything goes.

It seems to be a common thread from those who took offense to the video that no logical, valid reason has yet been provided as to why this apperared in a business site such as this. General opinion seems to be that "it is a populate MEME" does not suffice.

A lot of active people have walked away from the site and yes, in terms of voting and commenting, it seems that there is a tangible effect.

I, and others I presume, are just waiting for that elusive answer or explanation, one that seemingly might never come, as to why this happened?


Written by CitizenSoldier
4758 days ago

Since someone seems to need to spell it out for you, Yoni--

1. Tristan's specialty is blogging.

2. The video was a humorous short using a popular meme to talk about blogging.

3. Many small businesses have blogs.

4. BizSugar is a site for small business articles.

5. Tristan posted a video about blogging on BizSugar to amuse/entertain/inform those small business readers interested in blogging.

But your attack on the subject matter is a distraction. If the video was about the interaction between corporate tax cuts and the consequences for small business--you would still be as upset as you are.

Written by saraib820
4764 days ago


Any opinion? As the chief moderator of bizsugar you have remained silent throughout this controversy. I'm just wondering if you have any thoughts on the discord and bad feelings all of this has caused?


Written by yoni67
4770 days ago

Mr. Tristan,

It is your post with almost 70 comments. After two weeks and so many comments, it would be nice to see your updated response. It seems that any attempt to get a dialogue going on your Youtube page (where you instructed viewers to leave comments), is rapidly squelched as comments that offer differing opinions than "Wow Tristan, you are a genius. LOL!!!) are quickly deleted???


Written by saraib820
4770 days ago


I myself am still in limbo. It was mentioned in one of the comments about an apology. I am not looking for an apology. I don't think anybody needs to apologize. What I am still looking for, waiting for, is some justification or rationalization as to why this was given the green light to appear here. If that were to occur, I would throw my hands up in surrender and come back. I still haven't seen any rationale though.

Freedom of speech just doesn't work. If that were the case I could post a video of Anita and dub it saying things about advocating prostitution, crack cocaine use or racism. All I would have to do is include something about marketing, blogging or twitter. No disrespect Anita, it is just an example.

I agree with another of the comments. There are 175,000 members here and nobody will miss a few. Whether or not I or Yoni or any of the others are here or not in two weeks will be irrelevant. New members will come, others will leave. It will all be forgotten in a blur.

I don't want to be treated like a special case. I don't feel that anything is owed to me in entitlement for expressing my outrage so vocally.

The issue is not entirely about Hitler. All I am waiting for, as I believe most here are, is a GOOD reason as to why this video was published here. Were that to happen, I would be back voting, commenting, and supporting others here within minutes.


Written by q4sales
4771 days ago

I've written and rewritten this comment... BizSugar is an amazingly cool community. Lots of smart and reasonable and respectable people hang out here. Some of the content isn't to my liking, but I don't pick up my toys and scream and leave when I see it. Nor do I threaten the blogger who produced it, in so many words. I move on.

I work with Anita and I serve on the advisory board here. Anita and I do not always agree, but I have to agree on let freedom of speech reign. I don't have to like or approve of everything that's here. I'm not here to defend Anita, by the way, she's more than capable of doing that herself.

But I do think this has gotten way out of hand. I'm not looking to argue or start a fight, far from it -- I'm friends with many of the people here, even when we disagree. But you'll have to boycott most of the web, including Google, YouTube,, and many many others who have posted some parody of an atrocious figure in history. The video may be tasteless and offensive to most, but the way we're approaching this is not reasonable or decent either. BizSugar isn't condoning what Hitler did by allowing a meme to be shared here. The good things about BizSugar far outweigh the bad and I find it sad that smart people would abandon a good community because of a post and video that will likely vanish in the near future. We are only helping to keep it alive and prospering.

Written by saraib820
4770 days ago


I also wanted to add, respectfully, I have followed this thread throughout and have not seen any "threatening" towards Tristan?


Written by yoni67
4770 days ago


Hi. I will begin by agreeing with you on one big point. BizSugar is a cool community. I too have had my issues with the site on occasion, but for the most part, I have found it a good site to meet people, give and receive feedback, gain readership etc. Had I not seen great benefit, I would not have hung around here for well over a year logging in throughout the day, learning, commenting and voting.

Another thing I will readily agree with: BizSugar is not condoning what Hitler did.

I will also agree with you, conditionally, that one would have to boycott most of the Internet if he or she disagreed with these types of posts. But the fact is that Google, Facebook, etc. have no real moderation. There is freedom to post whatever you want.

I guess I see this site as being somewhat different in that it is a business site. Articles and posts here should/need to be relevant to business. I'm still at a loss, as I feel many of the commentors here are, as to what this post had to do with business.

On the BizSugar "About" page: "What kinds of stories do you accept?

Anything that would be of interest to owners and managers of small to medium-sized businesses. Business news, strategies, tips and trends are always a good bet." The "trends" part is the closes i can get to with Tristan's video, but does BizSugar really believe that a trend of Hitler is worthy of publication and exposure on its site?

Boycotting, though I don't consider myself boycotting this site, rather I am walking away, has long been a tool for showing one's displeasure. Catholics boycotted NBC and the advertisers on Saturday Night Live after Sinead O'Connor's "parody" of the Pope. Muslim's have boycotted many media forums for the way the Prophet Mohammed has been portrayed (and they have gone far beyond boycotting), and yes, Israel, my home, has been the target of many boycotts by people who disagree with some of the policies.

I am still at a loss as to how this post made it through, and just to play devil's advocate for a moment I must ask:

Would a parody of Jesus on the cross have made it through? Believe me, as a Jew and a person of tolerance and sensitivity, I would have been among the first to voice my outrage.

_Would a parody of the Abu Ghraib prison have made it through. I doubt it.

_A parody of David Duke in his KKK robe and hood? Nope.

_A parody video of an 18th century slave ship in which the captain discovers blogging? I would have left the site over that for sure.

_A parody of Bin Laden discovering blogging while another plane hit the Towers?

_Pol Pot?

_IRA bombers in Ireland?

The fact that the video shows Hitler, SS officers, swastikas, a Gestapo officer, etc, is just one aspect of why this video is painful and evokes rage, disdain and opens wounds. The fact that it has nothing to do with business is another aspect. It has no value to a businessperson, it offers no tips, no advice, no principles, no how-to. It simply mentions the words, "blog," "blogging" and other keywords.

One of the things that angered me most is the reason why Tristan stated he posted it in the first place: to drive traffic to his site and to have "fun." As an afterthought and something not relevant to Bizsugar, it pisses me off that he is deleting comments on YouTube that disagree with his views.

I don't really see myself as picking up my toys and leaving. I have tough skin for the most part. As most who live in my country I have answered the call to serve and defend. I have had my blood spilled, I have witnessed brains, livers and hearts splattered in streets and the walls of busses and I see a man who lives 2,000 kilometers from here denying the holocaust and calling for a second one. Does Israel and do Jews have a patent on suffering? Heck no! But we live with the memory every day that six decades ago, half of all Jews were slaughtered like dogs and they happened to be killed by the monsters in Tristan Higbee's "Funny" video.

In that context, in the context of my own family members who were slaughtered by the Nazis, and against the backdrop of the anger that many of my regular readers have expressed, I really have no choice but to leave this site.

But I do so, as you stated so well, in the context that BizSugar is a cool site. Unfortunately it is a cool site that made a decision that I can't dismiss.


Written by yoni67
4770 days ago

commented edited to the above

Written by Adam_Gottlieb
4771 days ago

Very sad lack of sensitivity- not only for the blogger who made and posted this video, but also for BizSugar, since as many have already pointed out there is basically no business value to specifically using Hitler (Y'mach Shemo)as the conduit for an inconsequential and obscure message about blogging.

And Anita, with all due respect, I understand the delicate balance between censorship and moderation, especially for a aggregation site such as this, but sometimes what's needed is a little common sense: where a post is so deeply offending so many people while providing no real value in return, then *even* from the standpoint of running a professional, reputable site, you should have removed it.

Adam Gottlieb

Written by joemagid
4771 days ago

I'm also saying goodbye bizsugar! Nice comment Adam, good points made! I'm guessing that with 175000 members that 20 or 30 people won't be missed.

"The Magpie"

Written by gpoint
4771 days ago

Very well said Adam. Greenpoint is also going to ditch the site having made a final comment to this most recent post!

I agree Anita, this never should have made its way to this site. But I also ask whether it is too late? Part of business success is damage control. I would suggest doing some before this takes on even more of a life of its own than it already has.

How about a retraction/apology and a welcome (back) to all who have left or are planning to leave over this? Is that too much to ask?

I'm not Jewish but share the anger that is brewing.

HR at Greenpoint

Written by gpoint
4771 days ago

This was a very insensitive posting to include on this site. How about a retraction from the owner to try and right some of the damage that this caused? A followup post would be nice as would some words about respect for others and sensitivity!

Written by Jerusalem Post
4778 days ago
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Written by CitizenSoldier
4778 days ago

All of you public martyrs can simply terminate your accounts, instead of beating your breasts and demanding that the Admins treat your ragequit like a special snowflake.

I can understand that for Jews specifically, Hitler is a difficult subject--but humanity has been using humor as a mechanism for dealing with difficult subjects from the beginning of recorded history.

For the majority of the world--for those people removed from the personal dimension of the Holocaust, Hitler has become a figure of history, not emotion, and caricature does not offend.

Satirizing, parodying, and making fun of Hitler--or using a cartoon version of Hitler to lament the lack of a camera on the iTouch--are fully legitimate forms of humor. These videos do not make light of the Holocaust; they do not criticize or degrade Jews. or Gypsies. Or Poles. Or homosexuals.

If you don't like it--don't watch it. If you think the video is off-topic for BizSugar--don't vote for it, or report it to the moderators. If it violates the Terms of Service--report it.

And for those most aggrieved here--I don't know how you can survive, walking around with skins so thin that this latecomer to a well-known meme causes such deep hurt.

I guess you haven't read Hipster Hitler or seen The Great Dictator. Or Hogan's Heroes.

Written by kaedus
4776 days ago

And yet another person who understands this. I just don't understand what brought all the public ire and scrutiny here specifically. I feel like there are many other more visible outlets these people could be flaming if they were truly as upset as they say they are.

I also appreciate the use of ragequit and pointing out how these videos don't make light of the atrocities that Hitler performed, or of the different people that were killed.

Written by alinisrael
4778 days ago
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Written by hamed1
4779 days ago
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Written by hamed1
4779 days ago


It is sad that so many people don't seem to understand that there is nothing funny about Hitler. I grew up reading text books in school that Jews are not human. In Gaza there are summer camps that teach kids terror. And did you know that in the 1940 the Grand Mufti of Palestine Haj Amin al Husseini asked Hitler for the design of the gas chamber so he could use them to kill the Jews of Palestine.

I still have many problems with the government of Israel and the policies. But I am an Arab who despises Adolf Hitler and believes in peace!



Written by shepherd
4779 days ago

I'm done here too if you can revoke my membership! I am not jewish as many are who have expressed their shock at this. I am Christian and I am equally shocked and disgusted.

The funny thing is I don't blame you Tristan. Maybe you had a lapse in judgement? Personally I don't know what the hell you were thinking brother.

I fault the person or people who thought that this video would somehow contribute to this site and decided to allow it. That was a foolish decision. I agree with the comments below in that I have watched the video many times trying to find something useful that would warrant it being used here. I found nothing. Nada!

I've been a member for a year and what a shame it should end like this! Hitler???


Written by lovedthisarticle!
4779 days ago

I'm quitting bizsugar over this video too. Regardless of the people below that express the hurt this has caused I am doing this independently. This stupid video has caused bizsugar to lose some of it's sweetness! It is so not funny!

Heidi K.

Written by profit613
4779 days ago

Biz Sugar Owner/Administrator/Board Member

While staying with my hosts for a year and a half, I am a foreign exchange student, their love of Biz Sugar rubbed off on me. We spent a lot of time reading together in front of the computer deciding which stories we would vote for and discussing them in depth. I never had an interest in business before but their enthusiasm became infectious. I voted over a thousand times. Unfortunately because of this crap that has proven so devisive and has opened up wounds to many people I also am kissing this site goodbye.

Hasta la Vista!

Rochelle Rochelle

Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
4779 days ago

My name is Shoshana and I am Jewish. I am also a veteran of the IDF. If I would have lived in Europe at the time the man in the video was still alive I would have been forced to wear a yellow star before boarding a train. I am named for my great grandmother who was sent to Magdenak in 1943. Contrary to what many might believe, it was not a concentration camp it was an extermination camp. No exceptions everyone was gassed on arrival. I think this video is repulsive and should not have been given the okay to be listed here. I will not use this site anymore.

Written by ofirafromjobshuk
4779 days ago

Dear -------

I'm also joining those leaving bizsugar over this video.

The thing that strikes me the most is not whether this is offensive and I believe it is! It is that I have also read the latest bizsugar blog post about content. -Besides running the risk of having your content removed , sharing content unrelated to small business-

It says on the comment that there is no censorship here. But the comment from the blog suggests other wise. It says blog posts are removed if they don't relate to business.

Okay, so maybe you say I am reacting too strong to Hitler. That is your opinion but I still say this offensive video has nothing to do with business. Even though it turns my stomach I have watched it five times in a row. Please tell me what wisdom it presents? Please enliten me!

I think this is a sad chapter and it is my reason for showing myself the door.


Written by ofirafromjobshuk
4779 days ago

I even watched it one more time and want to throw up. What is helpful? It is ridiculous. It displays Hitler and shows SS symbols and death-head insignia. It was the cruelest time in history and it is just not funny. It sickens me!



Written by saraib820
4780 days ago

I too bid bizsugar a fond farewell and I say that with my heart. It is a great site and presents many opportunities to people.

That said, I still have not read any justification for this video to have been allowed here. Not that people have not tried to justify it. I just think the reasons don't work. It's not educational. It in no way provides instruction on dubbing a video. It offers no tips or advice. It's just a "humourous" video (said sarcastically) which uses the biggest mass-murdererer in history to try and evoke some chuckles. I'm not laughing.

I'm also glad that my husband who has been a very active member here for over a year sees my reasoning now about censorship. There is a time for it. Why the hell would the administrators allow something which had the capacity to cause pain to members and readers? I just don't know.

I am glad for the opportunity of Bizsugar. I've posted a few articles here and given my support to the members in the form of over 1000 votes and hundreds of comments.

It is a community. But as in any other community in life, if the community doesn't fit, it is time to explore other communities. If I were to walk into a party and saw someone dressed in a nazi uniform for the purpose of humour I would get up and leave. If they were my friends I would most likely look for new friends.

I say a fond farewell to all of the members at Bizsugar and wish you success and luck.


Written by yoni67
4780 days ago

I must say, as my final comment on BizSugar, the use of this article here has cut too deeply. It is not humorous. It has caused pain and grief to people I know. My wife. Our houseguest Rochelle. My mother. Me. Some of my regular readers. many or all of whom lost relatives and ancestors in the Holocaust. It was a bad decision to submit this video to this site, but an even poorer one to allow it to appear here.

I cannot in good faith and conscience continue to participate here.

Will my readership go down without BizSugar? Certainly. But sometimes you have to take a stand and this is one of those times.


Written by saraib820
4780 days ago


You might be able to tell from my other comments that the use of the word "hysterical" was used in irony.

I grew up looking at old photo albums. They contained many black and white family photos of relatives in Poland and Russia. When I would ask my mother about 90% of the people in the photos she would say "we never heard from them again" and she would cry. They simply disappeared. Were they shot outright? Gassed? No one ever knew. The fact that they were murdered is beyond dispute.

Just another reason why I am inscensed that this assinine article was allowed to be posted here darling!


Written by saraib820
4780 days ago


Did you catch this hysterical bit while in Ukraine?

On September 26th 1941, the following notice was posted in the towns outside the ravine of Babi Yar, Ukraine:

Kikes of the city of Kiev and vicinity! On Monday, September 29, you are to appear by 08:00 a.m. with your possessions, money, documents, valuables, and warm clothing at Dorogozhitskaya Street, next to the Jewish cemetery. Failure to appear is punishable by death.'

One after the other, they had to remove their luggage, then their coats, shoes, and overgarments and also underwear … Once undressed, they were led into the ravine which was about 150 meters long and 30 meters wide and a good 15 meters deep … When they reached the bottom of the ravine they were seized by members of the Schutzpolizei and made to lie down on top of Jews who had already been shot, many of whom were still in their death-throes … The corpses were literally in layers, stached like cord-wood. SS marksmen came along and shot each Jew in the neck with a submachine gun … I saw these marksmen stand on layers of corpses and shoot one after the other … The marksman would walk across the bodies of the executed Jews to the next Jew, who had meanwhile lain down, and shoot him.

100,000 Jews and Soviet POWs were executed over the span of 36 hours, the SS troops only stopping their firing when the barrels of their machine-guns became so hot they could no longer hold them.

Ukrianian citizens showed up in masses, bringing picnic lunches. Witnesses who later testified at subsequent war-crimes trials descibed the atmosphere as carnival-like and festive.

And you wonder why any image of Hitler upsets me?

Written by kaedus
4780 days ago

The fact that you think that is hilarious is disgusting to me. Do you think I didn't visit Babi Yar while I lived in Ukraine? Because I did.

Do I think that there is a huge difference between the scene you paint there, and the scene that is portrayed in the video? Yes I do. The fact that you place these events on the same level of significance is ridiculous.

Written by yoni67
4780 days ago

I respect people's rights to have different and divergent viewpoints, my only question remains: what value does this present to the small business owner? Bizsugar's mantra is "share small business news and tips." Does this video fill any of those criteria? How?

Written by smallbiztrends
4780 days ago

Personally, I don't glorify Hitler -- he was a monster. You're not the only ones whose families suffered from Hitler. You don't have to be Jewish to have been targets.

But on balance, this video is NOT glorifying Hitler and it's NOT showing him in a positive light. The topic is about blogging. Whether we agree with using the video or not, to remove it would be censorship, and that would be worse.

Now if the video said something in seriousness about how wonderful Hitler's policies were, or suggested he were some kind of hero, or repeated negative beliefs that Hitler held about certain ethnic groups to try to convince viewers those beliefs should be followed -- that would be completely different. Then it would be so outrageous and so unrelated to any relevant topic here we'd remove it.

But the video is using humor to make a point about a business topic. Whether some people think the humor is tasteful or insensitive is a different matter. And it's not the first time any of us have seen this video being used to make points -- this video clip is commonly used for business humor. There are numerous versions of it on YouTube.

Because BizSugar is a community site, people post things all the time that others may disagree with. We're going to hear a range of voices, and not all of us will agree with what is posted 100% of the time.

Let's let freedom of speech reign -- even when we don't agree with the style in which it is delivered.

Written by saraib820
4780 days ago


I also ask if during the next convention or awards ceremony that BizSugar attends if you would please present this video as an example of business related relevency. I think BizSugar is a great site with many virtues but I think this is a black eye for the site. I disagree with my husband, there is a time and a place for cencorship, I belive here it is called moderation. I still can't believe this was allowed on the site.


Written by saraib820
4780 days ago


I personally am offended that you say this video uses humor to make a point about business. Can you please offer me one single piece of redeeming value that this video has. And no, the fact that it is on You tube does not justify it appearing on what is supposed to be a professional business site.


Written by kaedus
4780 days ago

Anita, I'm very glad that you are able to take a calm and balanced look at this. I appreciate a voice of reason. I believe that some people have their opinions clouded by emotion, myself included.

Yoni, once again, I think it is ridiculous to compare this video to a video of someone performing a violent act to a woman, or a person about to be beheaded. You are simply making ridiculous claims in an attempt to incite people.

Written by JeriVespoli
4780 days ago

Well put, Anita. I agree.

Written by yoni67
4780 days ago

The "video is using humor to make a point about a business topic?"

Would that pertain too to a video that features violence against women? One in which a Ku Klux Klansman in a hood was ranting and starting talking about the benefits of Twitter? Could I post a video here in which an Islamic radical was about to behead someone and suddenly started speaking about blogging.

I'm exasperated.

The video presents no relevant informtion about blogging. It uses "shock value" and I guess it's done it's job. I'm shocked.

Written by hamed1
4780 days ago

I still am in disbelief that this was allowed into this site. For what reason I ask? Is it educational for business? Is it news? Is it tips? Does it help a business man to improve a business? And please not that I am a Christian Arab and think this is offensive!

Hamed Ji'Bril



Written by joemagid
4780 days ago

This is not a vote of support! I think this is shameful!

"The Magpie"

Written by techfordummies
4780 days ago

Mine is not supportive either. I think this is disrespectful. I have seen funny videos here but they at least have a business context. This has no value to business owners whatsoever!

Written by kaedus
4781 days ago

I created an account for the specific purpose of commenting on this video. And not to deride Tristan and this video, but to deride all the rest of you.

Do you think for one second that Tristan was attempting to endorse the actions of Hitler? Do you think he was supporting the actions of the Third Reich? Based on your comments it seems like that. I would have thought more of the type of people that supposedly frequent this site.

For people who are supposedly knowledgable about technology and the internet, you seem to have missed out on a fairly large fad on the internet, which Tristan explained.

Even after he came on and explained, in a much more civil manner than I would have after the repeated personal attacks by ignorant people who obviously didn't know anything about him personally, you still proceeded to berate him.

I feel that this is fairly incoherent because of how upset I am. I think you people take yourselves too seriously. And you know what, I know plenty of Jewish people who were affected by this. Also, Yoni, feel free to make a post about Mormons. It's not like it hasn't been done before, and you are more than welcome to free speech and write whatever you want. And guess what, as a Mormon, I probably won't get upset because I don't take myself that seriously.

Written by kaedus
4780 days ago

Braden, what do you mean this has nothing to do with technology? Can you not read, or do you just choose to ignore the point made that this is a popular internet meme? Is the internet not technology? HE CHOSE THE HITLER MEME BECAUSE IT'S A MEME. Perhaps that's a little easier for you to understand.

Rivkah, your inflammatory speech hardly helps your argument. Do you think I'm not aware of the sick kinds of things that are on the internet? Do you really think that this video, where an actor portrays Hitler yelling, is even comparable to a video of an American soldier being beheaded? I personally feel those are completely different.

Also, I think I expressed my opinion, as did Duncan. Just because his happens to fall in line with yours, then it's praiseworthy and you respect him. Nice. You know, I happened to live in Ukraine for a while. There were many people there who come from Jewish descent. Their families also suffered. I'm well aware of the atrocities that were performed in the name of Hitler.

Yoni, I'm well aware of what atrocities were committed in the name of Hitler. I've seen pictures. I know what happened. And you know what? This video still does not bother me. You are obviously very riled up about this. I'm sorry that this has upset you so much. I am still failing to see the harm in this video.

Written by BradenM
4780 days ago


The problem of your argument that we are ignorant people and you would expect more from the people who frequent this website is that the people who frequent this website come here for business information, not the type of crap that your friend posted. The video is not about technology. I repeat, NOTHING ABOUT TECHNOLOGY! If a video about technology was the point why choose Hitler. Make a video tutorial about how to dub or use Mr. Ed! And do you think that we take ourselves too seriously? I have many curse words in mind but believe me I am holding back!


Written by saraib820
4780 days ago


My turn "sweety!"

Are you inferring that because it has become fashionable to make these kinds of videos that it is right to present one on a business site? I don't give a shit what is posted on someone's blog or on Youtube or on the internet. There are beheading videos of American soldiers on the internet, any sick piece of garbage can post what they want.

I think, though I don't want to speak for others, that the main problem was the context and form in which this was placed. Yoni left a comment that he is not in favor of censorship. I would have expected that the owner of this site would have at least joined the discussion to at least defend the fact that this was posted and is still here.

Thank you Duncan for being the only person at BizSugar to express your opinion. You have my RESPECT!

Kaedus, you know many people who were affected by this? So do I. I'm going to visit my grandmother in a nursing home in Ra'anana on Thursday where at least 25% of the residents have a serial number tattoo on their forearms. Victims of a fad????

Wonderful, a fucking Hitler fad!!!!


Written by yoni67
4781 days ago


A Hitler "Fad?" FAD????? F-U-C-K a fad that has anything to do with a MONSTER that wiped out 50 million people including 600,000 of your countrymen...AMERICANS! Google "Malmedy Massacre" in which one hundred American POWS were each given a bullet to the head. Check out the blood-stained images on Google. Take a trip to the beaches of Normandy to see the endless, endless rows of graves. It ain't a Jewish issue.

Next, do I think Tristan is anti-Semitic or supportive of the Third Reich? I doubt it and I'd like to think not. But the fact was a really STUPID thing to post, FAD or no FAD!

I wasn't going to vote for the article, now I will. Let people decide.

Written by businessavante
4782 days ago

There is one more lesson in this: if anyone thinks this couldn't happen in America because we have elections - think again. Hitler was Legally Elected Chancellor of Germany in 1933. After Hindenburg died in 1934, he took full power. But he was Legally Elected 1st - people tend to forget that.


Written by yoni67
4781 days ago

Good point Duncan!

It could happen again. The formula? Terrible economic conditions, unemployment, deprivation...add a charismatic leader...mix in scapegoat-ism and dehumanization.

It happened in Bosnia. It happened in Rwanda. It can happen.

Written by BusinessGuru
4783 days ago

Very very bad taste. I hope there is a lesson here?


Written by Portfolio33
4783 days ago

2 thumbs down Tristan!

Written by yoni67
4783 days ago

Oh Tristan! It's a Jewish issue alone? You live in America? Why don't you go down to your local VFW post and screen this video to a bunch of WWII vets. Let's see how many LOL and how many throttle you with their 80 year-old hands.

Hitler was responsible for the deaths of 50 MILLION people! 50 MILLION! Maybe on a college frat website or for a bunch of 16 year-olds who don't even know that WWII was really more than a few shots fired, or on it will evoke some laughs. But this is a business site and I hope your prospective customers and readers find it appalling. It lacks professionalism as much as it lacks taste.

Here's a challenge: do a video like this on Bin Laden as the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches. Let's see how many laughs you get on that one.

At the same time, I see you went to BYU. Maybe I will do a post belittling and mcoking Mormons. LOL!

Written by businessavante
4783 days ago

As far as big numbers go, how about the incontrovertible fact that Almost Every Nation in the World Stood Up to STOP This Guy?....Millions DIED Trying!

Written by businessavante
4783 days ago

Very good point, Yoni - I'm glad you brought it up. Hitler is Not just a problem for Jewish people - but for the entire human race. If (using Tristan's figures) half-a-million+ people saw the videos, and only some 2,700 liked or disliked it, then over 497,000 saw it & didn't want to be identified with it. I wouldn't assume they enjoyed it - it's like watching a train wreck - fascinating for all the darkest, basest reasons.


Written by TristanH
4784 days ago

Whoah. Settle down guys. "Hitler finds out" is a popular internet meme. Google it and you'll find thousands of videos with the same clip but different subtitles. There's even a New York Times article on the subject:

Of course just because everyone is doing it doesn't make it right. It's that kind of thinking that contributed to the Holocaust in the first place, right? But the beauty of these videos is that it shows one of the worst human beings who ever lived engaging in trivial matters and looking like a bumbling idiot.

I'm part Armenian and had multiple relatives killed by the Turks in the genocides of the late 1800s and early 1900s. If someone created a video like this that revolved around those events, I wouldn't mind in the least.

I'm sorry if this upset you and I'm sorry you feel that way, but I do not apologize for making this.

Written by businessavante
4784 days ago

OK Tristan, you've proved beyond doubt I'm one of the few that doesn't get it.


Written by TristanH
4784 days ago


I don't believe I've done anything wrong (and therefore I don't think this was "a mistake" as you say), and I don't think the video is in poor taste or poor judgment.

I didn't create the video to be controversial so that it would get traffic. I had no reason to believe in the first place that it would be controversial. This is nothing new. Like I said, go to YouTube and type "hitler finds out." There are literally thousands of videos like this. The first result has 500,000+ views, 2,684 likes, 84 dislikes, and has been around since 2008. So that means that for every 1 person that dislikes it, 32 people like it. Those are good odds for anything or anyone on the internet. I'm sure there is one person that doesn't like BizSugar for every 32 people that do.

It seems like you and the others on this particular site are in the minority in terms of being offended. The reaction I've gotten elsewhere (on Twitter, on YouTube, and on other social bookmarking sites) has been overwhelmingly positive.

The fact that you were "utterly repulsed" by the video baffles me, and I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree.



Written by businessavante
4784 days ago

Hi Tristan,

I apologize if you thought I meant that you held those beliefs. The point I was trying to make (rather obliquely, I admit), was that since there still are people who think that, why use it. Everyone makes mistakes - that's OK, but the mistake is doubled if we entrench ourselves. If it was just a joke - OK, it was in very bad taste, and poor judgment was used. I did think right off - with the title, before I saw part of the video, that you were going for controversy for its own sake (maybe to get lots of comments) - but that's beside the point. I'm not saying you in fact posted it to stir up controversy, but that's the immediate reaction I got seeing the title, before I was utterly repulsed by the video. I must've read it over a 100 times here in business blogs - it's OK to make mistakes - IF we learn from them.


Written by TristanH
4784 days ago

Duncan, don't confuse a video about Hitler talking about blogging and looking like an idiot with me thinking that the Holocaust never happened or that I don't like Jewish people. Neither of those is the case, and I didn't say anything even remotely along those lines.

Written by businessavante
4784 days ago

Hi Tristan.

When I was in 7th grade, a lot of Jewish kids brought their family photo albums to school. Typically the narration went something like: here's my Aunt Sophie, she was separated from her husband & kids - they didn't make it. It was the most personal references I experienced as a kid who was raised Roman Catholic. There are Still yayhoos who say the Holocaust never even happened - that is was all staged. It's a coincidence, but the Clan Campbell motto is "Ne Obliviscaris" - "Never Forget". Our symbol is the Wild Boar - don't mess with the Wild Boar - we never forget.


Written by shepherd
4784 days ago

I saw the tweet What A--HOLE Posted This? Hitler Finds Out About Blogging [VIDEO]

I'm doing the you are a bigot vote!


Written by yoni67
4784 days ago


I agree with your tenacity but not the method. I don't like censorship and don't think this article should be removed.

But voting for it? Imagine it gets voted up and retweeted en-masse. It could be an embarrassment for all involved. Not ideal.

Comments are another thing altogether. If it does get voted to a "Hot Topic" let it be by people who think it is a really cool video.


Written by hamed1
4784 days ago

As an Arab in Israel with many jewish friends I also think this is horrible. I will also vote Shosh.

Hamed Ji'Bril


Palestinian Authority

Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
4784 days ago


Thanks for sending the link. As the daughter of a mother who's parents were lost in the holocaust, she was sent to live with relatives in Texas in 1938, I also find this video insulting. But why not vote for it? I am going to. Let it get voted up for everyone to see how some peoples minds work!


Written by joemagid
4780 days ago

I'm with you Shosh!

Written by Portfolio33
4783 days ago


I agree. If it's publicity he wants, give it to him. My vote is not for support it's for sheer stupidity.

Written by yoni67
4784 days ago

I agree Duncan. I won't vote for it, but Shosh, I do respect your spunk and pluck!


Written by businessavante
4784 days ago

I see what you're saying Shosh about getting it on the front page - but that'll give the author (Tristan Higbee) free link juice, and your avatar will be seen as having voted FOR the article. That was my reason for not voting for it, at least.


Written by ofirafromjobshuk
4784 days ago

Bravo Tristan,

You must be very proud?


Written by profit613
4785 days ago

Your stated reason in your blog to post this was 'to have some fun'.

Great job! REALLY FUNNY STUFF!!!!!!!!!

I just can't stop laughing.


Rochelle Rochelle

Written by yoni67
4785 days ago

FuhrerBlog Post #231:

April 23, 1943...

230,000 American GIs dead! Oh boy! Von Braun is working on the V-4. Hopefully our atomic bomb program will come to fruition soon and we can start bringing atomic terror to America.

11 countries now under our control.

Britain: 350,000 British soldiers dead. 140,000 British civilians dead as the V-1s and V-2s rain daily on London and Coventry.

France: Ah, the spoils of conquest!

Russia: 15 million dead! Hah! can you belive it!

On another front entirely: The extermination camps are in full swing. if only we had mor Zyklon-B and if those damn trains would run faster...we could finally rid the world completely of the Judenrat! Yes, the Final-Solution!

My Dear readers, Life is good!!!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post..."Mengele's Twins Experiments and Rape as a terror-tool in the Third Reich!


Written by businessavante
4785 days ago

You really went too far, Tristan - you closed off internal comments to force people to comment on YouTube - for GARBAGE like this! I saw about the 1st third of the video before I was too incensed to watch any more - and that's only because I'm paid to check what's posted here. If I was a regular BizSugar reader, I wouldn't have opened it at all - though I would have complained to the management about the content. Think before you post. Creating this type of controversy is only going to make you eshewed!

Duncan (restraining myself)

Written by yoni67
4785 days ago

Written by yoni67
4785 days ago

I'm speechless...

Written by saraib820
4785 days ago

Sorry, I didn't mean to hit the vote button.

If Hitler and Mengele and Eichmann wouldn't have murdered half of my family, and my husband's I might have a different outlook. I'm not sure Hitler is ever anything less than a tasteless use.


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