Canva templates are a great starting point for graphic design, but they're often overused, resulting in identical designs. Understanding design principles like hierarchy and alignment is crucial for making your designs stand out. Here are simple tips to customize Canva templates.


Written by lyceum
94 days ago

Rachel: Thanks for your input. I tend to agree with you. It was interesting to see what you could do with Mid Journey if you had some knowledge about different historical art styles, and how to prepare the image by setting up the prompt.

Written by lyceum
95 days ago

Rachel: Do you think AI will help us to take more personal photos and create personalized images in the future?

Written by centralpawebster
95 days ago

Hey Martin,

Honestly, no. I think that most people can tell that they are looking at an AI photo, and are off-put by it, or they can’t tell and it just reads as stock imagery. I think AI could help inspire us on the different elements of photography, like staging and lighting, but I think real photography will always prevail as people’s preferred medium.

Best regards,


Written by centralpawebster
95 days ago

Honestly, no. I think that most people can tell that they are looking at an AI photo, and are offput by it, or they can’t tell and it just reads as stock imagery. I think AI could help inspire us on the different elements of photography, like staging and lighting, but I think real photography will always prevail as people’s preferred medium.

Written by Inspiretothrive
96 days ago

I agree with you on this and am trying to take more photos that I can incorporate into my blogs, thanks for the tips!

Written by centralpawebster
95 days ago

Fantastic, thank you!

Written by lyceum
95 days ago

I like to take photos now and then my old iPhone 6S Plus. ;)

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