FaceBook is under attack. Can its hegemony stand against up-and-comers like Tsu and Ello? TSU is sharing revenue with users, making it an attractive alternative that will appeal to people's sense of fairness and attract early adapters who want to make more money online.
How a TSUnami might drown FaceBook
Posted by amabaie under Social MediaFrom http://www.seo-writer.com 3631 days ago
Made Hot by: thegman3 on November 3, 2014 9:57 pm
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3621 days ago
3629 days ago
Not sure if it'll be a TSUnami (love that play on words!), but maybe Tsu will give FB a run for its money (pun intended). Taking your advice, I'll spend more time over there.
~ Vernessa Taylor (@CoachNotesBlog on Twitter)
3629 days ago
3631 days ago
3629 days ago
Ideally, the money part is in the building an early network. The actual social part needs to come from the heart.
3631 days ago