How much is a Facebook fan worth? $3? $10? $1,000?

Don’t feel bad if you have no idea. Pinning a value to a brand’s Facebook following is as elusive as uncovering the true value of Facebook itself.

That hasn’t stopped some from trying, though. Social media software publisher Vitrue ran some numbers. According to their research, if a brand had one million “likes”, posted twice a day and applied a conservative CPM estimate of $5, then an individual fan was worth $3.60 per year. Research firm, Hotspex, issued a study that estimated an earned media value of $6.79.


Written by B2CMKTG
4965 days ago

When it comes to a brand like Pepsi that spends millions each year trying to position themselves as the brand of choice for a younger/cooler generation, it makes sense that capturing a large fan base in various social media channels helps them achieve that. If they had little to no presence on these channels it would hurt their messaging as being "hip".

Written by businessavante
4965 days ago

Lots of great points! What I don't understand in the case of Pepsi (an example given) is that everyone's already heard of it. You either like it or you don't. How does seeing it in FaceBook change something like that - i.e. what are they looking for when brand awareness is already saturated - being "liked" on FaceBook, why?


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