Think Social Media addiction is a bad thing? Guess again!

The case of our protagonist, one Wallace Q. Cadbury...


Written by 9devon9
4825 days ago

Yoni, I adore the story! It's so much nicer than just facts with bullet points like in most blogs. ~~Devon

Written by yoni67
4821 days ago

Thanks Devon,

I too hate bullet points!


Written by businessavante
4825 days ago

Hi Yoni - GREAT!!!!

I larfed & larfed!!

I think Cadbury may be descended from the Kelvins in the Star Trek episode "By Any Other Name" from the 2nd season, '67/'68.

"I'll be glad to get back inside the comforting closeness of walls" was a line spoken by the head Kelvin (Warren Stevens), who was born in a space ship while hurtling on its centuries-long journey between two distant galaxies. He was out in the open air - and quite uncomfortable about it. I always liked that line - I'm like that naturally - not about being outside, but I'm comfortable enough inside that I only go out if I have to.

One of your best - from one of the best!


Written by yoni67
4821 days ago

Thanks Duncan,

Glad it brought a larf!

And thanks for sharing your Trekkie thoughts!


Written by saraib820
4825 days ago

On behalf of my husband Yoni, the bizarro who wrote this article, please accept this thanks in lieu of your comments being answered. Yoni will be out of the range of Social Media probably until Sunday. He told me to tell you he is in jail on charges of grand-theft auto. He's kind of weird like that. Thanks for your support which is appreciated very much.

Yoni's Wife

Written by Adam_Gottlieb
4825 days ago


Tell him he should make sure to use the prision gym equipment :)


Written by alastair
4825 days ago

Very, funny. Brightened up my day for sure.

Written by JackieP
4825 days ago

...and we wait with trepidation for the next mind blowing post.

Loved it Yoni.

Written by lovedthisarticle!
4825 days ago

I loved it Yoni! Loved it!!! As you can see on your site Shep noticed that it is being reposted by detox and addiction center websites. LOL!

Heidi K.

Written by BusinessGuru
4826 days ago

Yonatan, you've written some very funny stuff in the past, but this takes the cake. Brilliant!


Written by rush
4826 days ago


Written by hamed1
4826 days ago

Very funny Yoni!

It is a joy to read your blog. You made me laugh today. Your last post was very serious and worth writing. I am glad you returned to writing things that make me laugh and think. My own children spend too much time in front of the computer but they are too young to understand this post. May be in a few years they will get it.


Hamed Ji'Bril

Written by yoni67
4826 days ago

Dear reader(s)/commenter(s),

I will be away for the next 24-36 hours at a place where, although they have internet, Social Media sites are blocked.

Any further comments here, if in fact any are left, regrettably, will go unanswered during that time. Please do not take it as a sign of lax or disinterest. All things in due time.


Written by rush
4826 days ago

I hope everything is okay?


Written by m4bmarketing
4826 days ago

You do have a way of looking at things Yoni. They may be safe but they forget to tell you about the RSI you can develop.


Written by rush
4826 days ago


I agree with you. This is a guy with a very unique view on life.


Written by yoni67
4826 days ago



I had to actually look up RSI. I wasn't familiar with the term. I learned something. It still sounds mild though in comparison to Earl Cummings' speeding pickup truck :)


Written by profit613
4826 days ago

And man-eating sharks murder snorkelers? You almost made me pee my pants Yoni!

You are strange but I am proud to know you!

Rochelle Rochelle

Written by yoni67
4826 days ago


If I have made somebody laugh, that's good. if I have made somebody pee their pants, I take that as the highest form of compliment!


Written by saraib820
4826 days ago

OMG Yoni dear. You are weird!

Your wife.

Written by yoni67
4826 days ago

Weird is a compliment as far as I'm concerned! Thank you!!!

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