How to Switch WP Blogs to Https Without Losing Social Proof

Avatar Posted by adrianjock under Social Media
From 2600 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on June 15, 2017 1:09 pm
Switching your blog to https has a significant impact on the social proof related to all published posts.

While the share count buttons for Twitter & LinkedIn will preserve the figures they previously displayed, the buttons for Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and Stumbleupon will reset to zero. Ouch!


Written by lyceum
2598 days ago

Thanks Adrian! Talk soon again!

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
2598 days ago

Adrian: Thanks for the tip. I will talk to my web maker (of my "last" Wordpress site).

Written by adrianjock
2598 days ago

Anytime, Martin! :)

Written by lyceum
2598 days ago

Adrian: How much does it cost to switch to https?

Written by adrianjock
2598 days ago

Hi Martin. If you refer strictly to the cost of a SSL certificate, the answer is "it depends" :)

For example, I didn't pay anything because my host simply added it at no cost.

If your host didn't add such certificate I guess you should pay for it. Inside my article (under the sub-headline "When Is It Better to Install Social Warfare Plugin?") there's a banner for such a service - Comodo SSL. The prices start at $9/yr.

Written by tiroberts
2600 days ago

This is really neat and useful

Written by adrianjock
2599 days ago

Thanks, Ti. If you think it's useful maybe you should vote it too :)

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