“I Like” Brands on Facebook

Avatar Posted by 33interactions under Social Media
From http://33interactions.com.au 5491 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 15, 2009 4:07 pm
In order to really get ahead in the Facebook Fan Page world, a company should remember the most important component to a successful page: the fan. Some brands are doing it right by engaging their fans to take an active role and stance on their most liked brands.


Written by lyceum
5490 days ago

Shawn, Is this an example of the "tribe" that Seth Godin is talking about? I will be involved in a fan page for a new business venture called NetZpider. Kalle Blomqvist a.k.a Charlie Bloom has recently created fan pages for the different brands and has done a promotional kick-off in order to get new fans. Sign up for all three fan pages and you could win a t-shirt.

Written by ShawnHessinger
5490 days ago

I think making fans out of customers is the wave of the future...if done right. The question is, can corporate giants avoid screwing it up?

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