Making the most of LinkedIn Insights

Avatar Posted by mallton under Social Media
From 4125 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on April 11, 2013 5:46 pm
After you've been sharing updates for a while and have attracted some followers to your Company Page, you're going to want to start paying attention to the analytics that LinkedIn provides, called LinkedIn Insights.


Written by epangburn
4124 days ago

I really like Linkedin and I am with Ti which is that I have not really leveraged it Linkedin as much as I should that's for sure. I was really sad that they got canned Linkedin Answers.

But by far Linkedin is a great space to really get connected and network with a lot of different companies and people.

Thanks for sharing!


Written by tiroberts
4125 days ago

Linkedin isn't a social media platform that I've made great use of since I've been involved with online marketing. As I read more and more about it, I see how useful it really is and the possibilities it holds. Thanks for sharing your insights and findings with our community.


Written by mallton
4124 days ago

Thanks Ti!

Written by Big Business Boogaloo
4125 days ago

Hi Mike,

Of course, the challenge is maintaining so many company Websites, including your personal site. I'm thinking businesses will generally need to make a decision about which social networks are most important for staying in touch with their customers. Maintaining a truly deep presence on most or all of even the major communities is becoming an unattainable challenge.

Written by mallton
4124 days ago

You're absolutely right. Businesses must create a plan and strategy for their content and social media, and an integral part of that plan is working to identify opportunities within specific social networks.

Are your customers using Facebook, or is LinkedIn your best network... or maybe one of the second or third tier networks like YouTube or Pinterest might be really beneficial.

I do believe that businesses should have a presence on virtually every social network, but that doesn't mean they have to all be created immediately, or that you have to be *active* at the same levels on every network.

Once the ideal networks are determined, the next step is to make sure that you have correct tools and processes in place to make sure that your engagement levels are steady and as easy as possible.

For instance, for most businesses, I recommend getting a HootSuite account so that you can post to, monitor and respond to comments on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+ - particularly since HootSuite supports business pages for the three networks that do that, which means it's easier to post from HootSuite to your Google+ Page or LinkedIn Company.

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