Mari Smith: The Story Behind The Lady

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Social Media
From 4036 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on July 10, 2013 8:26 pm
Mari Smith is a phenomenon in my eyes, and I’m sure for lots of other people too. Her warm and approachable persona comes across on Social Media which is a feat in itself as it can often be blamed for hiding a true personality. Having grown a large following on all the Social Media platforms Mari still finds time to deal with queries and replies personally despite having a busy schedule with public speaking, writing books, tv appearances and much more.

To my immense pleasure Mari agreed to be interviewed by me so I wanted to find out more about her life behind the scenes, growing up in Scotland and the move to America, how she manages to be so hands on with her online communications and what is next on the Mari Smith agenda.


Written by nialldevitt
4036 days ago

Hi Sian, We're become so used to Mari’s magnetic online persona and her success, that you almost forget that there must have been a back story. And what an interesting story it is! Thanks for these great insights & thanks to Mari for doing the interview.

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