Marketing to the Social Web and the New Rules of Engagement

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Social Media
From 5488 days ago
Made Hot by: andynew on July 18, 2009 12:28 pm
With all the talk around here lately about social media's place in business, customer interactions and service recovery, and marketing strategies for growth, I've been thinking more about how the world of marketing and doing business has changed with the digital/social "revolution".


Written by ShawnHessinger
5488 days ago

The idea of brand as dialog is most interesting since this certainly also has to do with how services and products might be created in the first place. If you find and engage a community this helps you in your efforts to figure out what needs that group might have that you can fill. This conversation then helps to define your brand as opposed to a marketing message and brand developed in a vacuum which will never be tested until you find out whether or not it will resonate with potential customers and clients.

Written by lyceum
5488 days ago

I see how it correlates to the ideas in the Groundswell book.

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