Shocking Stats Reveal Social Network Failure! | Dazzlin Donna

Avatar Posted by Ileane under Social Media
From 4744 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on September 7, 2011 3:40 pm
Lately, people have been quick to shout that Google Plus has mostly inactive users, and I'm here to say, "yeah, so?". One of these shocking pronouncements came about in August 2011, when Bimeanalytics put out an infographic that swept the tech news and ha...


Written by BizRock
4741 days ago

Very useful tips Donna! Great article too! Thanks for your effort!

Written by Patricia Worth
4741 days ago

Hello Donna. Even if Twitter users are inactive, you can get rid of them by using UnTweeps which can 'unfollow' people you follow making your account more 'targeted.

I also think the MOST important point here is that you should be bothered with your own stats (Where some may say 'don't worry about it...'). That advice cannot be bought.

Written by jewel3000
4741 days ago

Interesting... This reminds me of a stat I saw the other day, that only 49% of Twitter users are active or have *ever* used it. Still, I find "some" of them good for business.

Written by ivanwalsh
4743 days ago

Good practical tips, Ileane!

Written by businessavante
4744 days ago

Dazzlin' Donna is right, Ileane!

Not only should we take stats with a grain of salt due to the vagaries of how they were arrived at, but we should sometimes wonder about ulterior motives - especially when there's an affiliate angle involved (how many people really use smartphones in the US, or which brand - there could easily be a ve$ted intere$t.

For my favorite "load of x", I pick "load of doodoos" (pronounced dooDOOs in French), though I also briefly considered "kaka".


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